Xylazine in Philadelphia
Number and proportion of overdose fatalities involving xylazine, Philadelphia, PA, 2016-2021
Key Findings: In 2021, there were 434 overdose deaths involving xylazine, increasing 39% from 313 in 2020.
Xylazine positive overdose decedents by age category, Philadelphia, PA
Key Findings: In 2021, most overdose decedents who were positive for xylazine were between 30 and 59 years old.
Xylazine positive overdose decedents by race/ethnicity, Philadelphia, PA
Key Findings: In 2021, most overdose decedents who were positive for xylazine were non-Hispanic White.
Xylazine positive overdose decedents by sex, Philadelphia, PA
Key Findings: In 2021, most overdose decedents who were positive for xylazine were male.
Evidence of injection by xylazine detections among all overdose decedents, Philadelphia, PA
Key Findings: In 2021, Xylazine positive decedents were more likely to have evidence of injection than those who did not have xylazine detected in toxicology tests.
Proportion of xylazine detections compared to benzodiazepines detections, Philadelphia, PA
Key Findings: In 2021, the proportion of overdose decedents where benzodiazepines were detected has declined over time whereas the proportion of overdose decedents where xylazine was detected has increased.
Number of xylazine positive overdose deaths by event zip code
Key Findings: In 2021, the 19134, 19140, 19124, and 19133 zip codes had the most overdose decedents where xylazine was detected in toxicology tests.