Sales and Prescribing

Sales of Selected Prescription Opioids in Philadelphia County, 2001-2021

Key Findings: Sales of the above selected prescription opioids peaked in 2011 and again in 2014, and have been declining yearly since 2015. In 2021, sales of the selected prescription opioids shown in the above graph were at their lowest since 2001. Sales of prescription opioids are largely driven by sales of oxycodone.  

Sales of Controlled Substances

The United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) tracks total sales of opioids and amphetamines to pharmacies and other retail distributors. Although opioids and amphetamines are used medically, people can obtain prescriptions, often from unethical prescribers, for their own non-medical use or resale to others. Total sales of these drugs over time may provide an indicator of possible overuse, diversion, or abuse. Measures to prevent misuse of these drugs are different from those needed to control the distribution of street drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine.  

Sales of Selected Prescription Stimulants in Philadelphia County, 2001-2021

Key Findings: Sales of the above selected stimulants have generally been on the rise since 2001. Initially, the rise in sales of the above selected prescription stimulants was driven by methylphenidate (Ritalin). However, sales of prescription amphetamine (Adderall) surpassed sales of methylphenidate in 2012, and sales of methylphenidate have been decreasing since this time. Sales of lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) have slowing been increasing since 2007. In 2021, sales of amphetamine (Adderall) and lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) increased, with lisdexamfetamine reaching it's highest number of sales since 2001.

Pharmacy Data

Data below was compiled from a PDPH phone survey with pharmacists in the City of Philadelphia.

Pharmacy Data/Pharmacy Locations

Key Findings: Of the 330 pharmacies that participated in the survey (77% response rate), 90% (n=158) of chain pharmacies and 79% (n=118) of independent pharmacies kept buprenorphine in stock. Meanwhile, 67% (n=156) of chain pharmacies sold syringes without a prescription compared to 32% (n=76) of independent pharmacies. The map shows which locations have buprenorphine and/or syringes in stock.