Marco Martin Giasullo

Marco Martin Giasullo, my older brother, was a star athlete and an intelligent, smart, funny individual who made everyone laugh. Seriously: Everyone on his high school baseball team agreed that he was the funniest guy there, and he won the "class clown" superlative for his class. Later on he graduated from the University of Rhode Island with an Economics degree and quickly rose to a high-level bank management position. He deeply loved his family and desperately wanted to make his mother well when she fell victim to addiction and mental illness, which can be traced back to her being prescribed opioids after serious oral surgery. Similarly, Marco was prescribed opioid painkillers by a trusted doctor after he broke his arm playing softball. Having a predisposition to addiction and mental illness, combined with the stress of caring for his sick mother, he became addicted to his pain medication. The addiction spiraled out of control when Marco's doctor became aware of the problem and cut him off from prescribed drugs, forcing him to find street drugs just to feel well enough to function. Before long I no longer knew who my brother was. He would lie to me on a regular basis, and I was so oblivious and trusting that I unknowingly enabled him in many situations. Despite my father's best efforts to help, and countless stints in various rehabilitation facilities, Marco succumbed to his addiction on June 8, 2019.