Morgan John Bazik

Morgan John Bazik was my world and I was his. He dies at 20 years old due to a friend giving him pure fentanyl after being clean 3.5 months. The friend is currently serving time for his choices in doing this. That is the end of my son's story, everything before is much more important. he was smart, funny, compassionate, and had a huge heart. As a mom we of course will say those things but he always brought friends home in need of food, somewhere to sleep and somewhere to feel safe. He knew I didn't mind and opened my arms for a hug to them all. After he died I found out more of just how compassionate he was. I learned he gave his coat and $5 to a homeless person while activity in addiction going to buy because man had no coat. I can tell many stories of love and compassion, fun and shenanigan's but Morgan would want me to tell those who are reading this there is hope and support out there for the addict and their loved ones. Keep searching, keep asking questions and look past traditional services when those are not working.