“My Life” by Yasmeen Bradley


In 2 more days my life would take a turn for a darkness that is not real. Yes, on 12-26-22 my mother, my rock, the strongest person I knew and still love, passed away. I was the middle child and I did everything for my mom and I still live with her until she passes . I saw things that others did not see or cared to see. I never asked help with nothing when it came to my mom or her addiction i took it all good and bad.My mother Crystal Harris did the best she could do by all and she never understood how thing got like this with family and etc.I would always tell her mom the way you give it you will never get that back.

I knew my mother loved me but our relationship was different, one of a kind she had one of those relationships with everyone. She was the go to aunt and person for all. My mother was a fighter in all mean it just that this addiction and pain she had overcome her alot and i mean a lot. My mother was crying out for help and with others not understanding our caring they would say oh that is Crystal being Crystal don't get me wrong my mother was a lot to deal with at times, and she also was a beautiful person.

I have a void in my heart and in life without my mother I know things were hard but to feel this is more so hard on my mind. I had to take 6 months to myself to try to understand this my new life and i have to keep in mind i have the keys to strong and keep going cause my mother show me the way it is just the pain it is hard to tell with at times.

To have a person with a drug addiction and to take care of them you have to be strong and understand that is this a sickness. I miss my mom more that every.


Art by Valerie Rose Gervasi