Brian Charles Dougherty

Brian Charles Dougherty, 39 years old; Sunrise: October 19, 1980, Sunset: September 29, 2020; Son, Brother, Grandson, Father and Grandfather, Friend. Our hearts ache so much and wish we could have him here. He chose but he was murdered I feel by this people supplying and selling to people. They did not care Brian went and died alone on a street until found. He did not deserve it. I don't know how we can stop all the drugs, violence and death but I will always do my best to represent My son Brian in hopes that the tears can stop. Rest My Sweet Boy. I know who you are ♥️

"Brian Charles Dougherty


""B Doc""

My only brother. Words can't describe the void I feel without him here. I have a collage of pictures on a wall at my job. They all include my wife and kids and my mother. Who are all alive. My brother is included with the collage. Everyday I look at him while I'm at work and he stands out more then all the pictures up there. My eyes zoom right to him. Sometimes it's like he is smiling at me in the picture even though he isn't. Addiction is a very very horrible disease. My mom and dad were addicts. My brother and I were also addicts. My father died from an overdose back in 1991. I was 8 years old. Now I face the same thing with my brother almost 30 years later. It's been 2 years since he died and it still doesn't feel real. My brother was a good person along with my dad. The addiction made both of them make bad decisions. Addiction kills people. We need to try and help kill the addiction in our family and friends before it kills them. Never give up on them. They are worth it because they are human beings. Not Monsters. The addiction is the Monster "